Hello everyone! On the last Saturday of March, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) invites everyone to participate in the annual Earth Hour. I just wanted to discuss about how you can participate in Earth Hour, share the word about the event, and how it works to reduce light pollution. (Link to site: https://www.earthhour.org/)
Here are the steps to joining the annual Earth Hour event:
Gather materials - you will likely need some candles or flashlights 🔦⚡
On March 27th, 2021 at 8:30 pm in your local time, turn all your lights off! 💡🚫
It's that simple! This year, Earth Hour is also taking part in a virtual spotlight where you can share your pictures from the event. (Link to virtual spotlight steps: https://www.earthhour.org/take-part/virtual-spotlight)
Here's how to share your pictures with the Earth Hour Virtual Spotlight event:
You can follow Earth Hour here:
Instagram - @EarthHourOfficial
Facebook - @EarthHour
Twitter - @EarthHour
YouTube - Earth Hour
Be sure to follow Earth Hour since they will be fun activities during the event! 💖
Earth Hour will be posting a must-watch video that you can check out during the hour long event. 📹
Share the video far and wide so that more people can become aware of our current environmental crisis! 📱
You can use #EarthHour to share your own images of Earth Hour and spread the word! 🌎🌍🌏
Earth Hour's Impact:
Since Earth Hour requires you to turn off your lights for an hour, it has some of the greatest impacts on light pollution. As light pollution is often forgotten as a type of pollution, Earth Hour is the perfect opportunity to share the importance of outdoor lighting problems with others! 💡
✨✨Be sure to follow Project DeLight on Instagram for updates: https://www.instagram.com/project_delight/ ✨✨